
K. N. Bugaeva.
Recalling Andrei Bely.


Klavdia Nikolaevna Bugaeva's recollections of her husband Andrei Bely, a renowned poet and prose writer, are being published in Russia for the first time. The image of A. Bely, as an odd and ingenious person, which has been created in other people's memoirs, is extensively corrected by Bugaeva. Bely's cast of mind, his attitude to nature and the process of interpenetration of life and creative work are described by the author with plenty of undoubtedly true details. The memoirs are prepared for publication by John Malmstad, the prominent scholar of Russian Literarure of the beginning of the 20th century and the professor of Harvard University.

ISBN 5-89059-029-4

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The decorations of the book included the photos of 1929-1934 jears.


ISBN 5-89059-029-4

Size 125х200 mm.
448 pages.
2000 copies