
M. Berg.
The Unlucky Duel.


The book by a brilliant Petersburg writer and literary theorist Mikhail Berg is the first edition to include his recent works along with the novels, which became famous first published by samizdat in the early 80's and are presently included in the university reading-books as the classics of the Russian postmodernism. Each of the novels is a model of the artistic research in the cultural and historical myths still actual for the contemporary. The transparent stylistic pattern of Berg's prose, saturated with literary allusions and obvious quotations, pierced with intertextual ties, has a solid base in the cultural history. The Unlucky Duel was nominated for the Andrey Bely Prize and the Booker Prize.

The book is designed by Е. Polikashin

ISBN 5-89059-051-0

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ISBN 5-89059-051-0

Size 137х213 mm
568 pages.
2000 copies