
Max Jacob.
Le Roi de Beotie. Filibuth ou La montre en or.


The volume includes two pieces of prose by the French poet Max Jacob (1876-1944). A friend of Picasso, Apollinaire, Poulenc, Modigliani, he was both a witness and a participant in the literary process of Belle époque. The Russian translation of these works published for the first time gives a complete impression of Jacob as a prosaist. Le Roi de Béotie is a collection of short-stories that present a kind of anthropological microcosm. The farce-like manner of narration, sometimes even grotesque, obviously extends the borders of "the novel of characters", on which Jacob's prose is based. The story of the watch, passed from hands to hands (Filibuth ou La montre en or) gives the author a possibility to create a gallery of bright characters, acting in fantastical circumstances.

ISBN 5-89059-052-9

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ISBN 5-89059-052-9

Size 125х165 mm
544 pages.
3000 copies