
Frederick T. Griffiths, Stanley J. Rabinowitz.
The Third Rome. Classical Epos and Russian Novel.


The authors search on the question of origins of the Russian classical novel. Carrying on a controversy with the well-known theory of M. Bakhtin, they reveal the epic sources of the novel tradition and the thriving, characteristic of the 19th and 20th century Russian literature, to create the national epos in the likeness of The Iliad or The Aeneid. The sense of this claim comes obvious from the exquisite analysis of The Dead Souls, Brothers Karamazov, Doctor Zhivago and the memories of N. Y. Mandelstam.

ISBN 5-89059-074-X

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Translated by E. Rabinowitz.


The book is designed by N. Teplov


ISBN 5-89059-074-X

Size 120х200 mm.
336 pages, hard cover.
2000 copies