
Alfred Doeblin
Mountains, seas and giants


«Mountains, seas and giants» — the visionary the novel by Alfred Doeblin (1878–1957) written in 1924 and not similar to any of the latest science-fiction novels. It is told in it about the world war on a territory of Russian plain, about conquest of the Icelandic volcanoes and defrosting of Greenland, about invasion of prehistoric monsters to Europe and migrations of resettlement motley on ethnic structure groups on a territory of present France... According to Günter Grass, this prose is written «as though under superfluous pressure of images falling upon the author». Besides, the book of Doeblin — «experiment in respect of language and in respect of the narrative technics; the text extreme and unique both for Doeblina, and for all history of the German literature» (Gabriela Zander), «one of the most unprecedented, most strange novels of the XX-th century» (Klaus Modik).

ISBN 978-5-89059-155-5