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Felix Svetov; Zoya Svetova
Biography experience: novel; The Innocent
Giambattista Basile
The Tale of Tales
Olivier Garraud, Jean-Daniel Tissot
Once upon a time there was blood
Alexey Porvin
Our Joy Cecile: poems and a poem
Georgy Demidov
Collected works in six volumes. Volume 5. From dawn to dusk. Novel. The second book
Complied by Igor Belov
Modern Polish poets
Katarzyna Szewczyk-Haake
The thorns of Grunewald. Not only about ekphrasis
Simone Weil
Notebooks. Vol. 4: July 1942 – August 1943
Miljenko Jergović
Ruta Tannenbaum
Vsevolod Petrov
Turdean Manon Lescaut. Diary 1942-1945
Georgy Demidov
Collected works in six volumes. Volume 2. Orange Lampshade: Three stories about the thirty-seventh
Anna Radlova
The Tale of Tatarinova. Sectarian texts
Dominique Fortier
Cities on Paper. Life of Emily Dickinson
Oxana Timofeeva
This is not that
Victor Krivulin
Angel of War
Jonathan Schneer
The Lockhart Plot: Love, Murder, Betrayal and Counter-Revolution in Lenin's Russia
Ralph Dutli
Gold of Dreams: Cultural history of a divine and demonized metal
Georgy Demidov
Collected works in six volumes. Volume 3. Love behind the barbed wire: novels and short stories
Alexander Sobolev
The shadow behind the right shoulder
Translated by Roman Dubrovkin
Leda and the swan. English, Irish and American poets
Italian poetry between the XX and XXI centuries
Compiled by Umberto Piersanti
Irena Grudzińska Gross
Milosz and the Long Shadow of War
Eva Neiss
Lotte Lenya: the song of life
Gennady Barabtarlo
Translucent Palimpsest: stories, essays and notes
Alban Nikolai Herbst
Witold Gombrowicz
Testament: conversations with Dominique de Roux
Dmitry Machinsky
From Pushkin to Tsvetaeva: articles and essays on Russian literature
Translated by Roman Shmarakov
The Three Princes of Serendip
Georgy Demidov
Collected works in six volumes. Volume 4. From dawn to dusk. Novel. The first book
Ksenia Golubovich
Postmodern in paradise. About the work of Olga Sedakova
Complied by Yury Leving
Poetry of late. Chronicle
Józef Maria Ruszar
Mene tekel fares. Images of God in the works of Tadeusz Różewicz
Vera Markova
While the earth stands: selected poems and translations
Ilya Vinitsky
What the nightingale is silent about. Philological short stories about Russian culture from Peter the Great to Budyonny's Mare
Jan Błoński
Poetry as salvation. Essays on Polish poetry of the second half of the XX century
Oleg Yuriev
Collection of poems (In 2 volumes)
Olga Sedakova
The Wisdom of Hope and other talks on Dante
Simone Weil
Notebooks 1933-1942
Georgy Demidov
Collected works in six volumes. Volume 1. Wonderful Planet: Stories
Boris Dubin
Semantic Vertical of Life: a book of interviews about Russian Politics and Culture of the 1990s -2000s
Peter Nadas
A Journey around the Wild Pear: a collection of small prose
Lev Rubinshtein
Politics Time: Essays
Edward Lear
A Big Book of Nonsense
Jean-Pierre DuPuy
Jealousy. The geometry of desire
Katja Petrowskaja
Maybe Esther: A Family Story
Andrzej Bobkowski
Wartime Notebooks: France, 1940-1944
Álvaro Enrigue
Sudden Death
Tomas Venclova
Magnetic North: Conversations with Ellen Hinsey
Ksenia Levashova-Stunkel
A Memoir
Laurent Binet
Olga Kushlina
Passion flower, or St. Petersburg window sills
Sacha Batthyany
And what does that have to do with me? A crime committed in March 1945. My family history
Grigory Krugkov
Orbits of Words: Russian Poetry and European Tradition
Pascal Bruckner
A Brief Eternity: The Philosophy of Longevity
Complied by Oleg Yuriev
Leningrad Chrestomathy: a small anthology of great Leningrad poems
Stig Dagerman
The Island of the Doomed
Jan Tomas Gross, Aleksandra Pavlicka
...a long time ago, it seems last Friday...
Wojciech Ligenza
Without routine. About the poetry of Wislava Szymborska and Zbigniew Herbert
Philip Glass
Words Without Music: A Memoir
Valery Dymshitz
From Venice: Diary of a temporarily local
Juan de la Cruz
Songs of the Soul: A full poems anthology
Marcin Viha
Things that I didn't throw away
Marcin Viha
How I fell out of love with design
Patrick Barbier
Farinelli. Renaissance Greatest Castrato
Alexander Sobolev
Griffins guard the lyre
Gennady Gor
Pieces of river. Selected prose: 1925-1945. Siege Poems: 1942-1944
Complied by Gennadiy Barabtarlo
Nabokov’s insomniac dreams
Peter Sloterdijk
Critique of Cynical Reason
Natalia Trauberg
Life itself
Georges Perec
Life: A User's Manual
Vladimir Pertz
Hans Henny Jahnn
River without Banks. Part three. Epilogue
Roald Mandelstam
Poems Anthology
Irina Zorina
Memory Unwrapped
Olga Sedakova
Translating Dante
Czesław Miłosz
Torquato Tasso
Jerusalem Delivered
Alberto Manguel
A History of Reading
Raphaël Jerusalmy
The Brotherhood of Book Hunters
Vladimir Pertz
Episodes: Memories. Meetings. Articles on art
Andrei Bitov
Author’s First Book
Dick Swaab
Our Creative Brains
Antonio Orlando Rodríguez
Compiled by Anselm Lenz, Alvaro Rodrigo Pigna Auteuil
The end to abstinence! A book about bars, cocktails, self-aggrandizement and the beauty of decadence
Sebastian Haffner
Defying Hitler: A Memoir
Sebastian Haffner
The Meaning of Hitler
Werner Hamacher
Minima Philologica (Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory)
Laurent Binet
The Seventh Function of Language
Polina Barskova
The Seventh Lye: Texts and fates of the Blockade Poets
Dick Swaab
We Are Our Brains: A Neurobiography of the Brain, from the Womb to Alzheimer's
Nikolai Karetnikov
Themes with variations
Sergey Grigoryants
"Glasnost" and freedom
Roberto Calasso
Literature and the Gods
Stevan Paul
Cockaigne: A book about the comforting effect of warm rice pudding, the art of cooking a lentil dish, and the imponderables of love
Maxim Osipov
101th kilometer. Sketches of life in province
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
The Sinking of the Titanic
Andrei Babikov
Perusing Vladimir Nabokov: Studies and materials
Olga Shnyrova
Suffragettes in the history and culture of Great Britain
Sergey Stratanovskiy
Selected poems 1968-2018
Zygmunt Buaman, Leonidas Donskis
Moral Blindness: The Loss of Sensitivity in Liquid Modernity
Zygmunt Buaman, Leonidas Donskis
Liquid evil
Vladimir Bibikhin — Olga Sedakova
And the word answers the word. Letters (1992–2004)
Laurent Binet
The Seventh Function of Language
Ioan Petru Culianu
Eros and Magic in the Renaissance
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński
A World Apart: Imprisonment in a Soviet Labor Camp During World War II
Polina Barskova
Living pictures
Michel Vergé-Franceschi, Anna Moretti
An Erotic History Of Versailles
Czesław Miłosz
The Issa Valley
Complied by Oleg Yuriev
Leningrad Chrestomathy: a small anthology of great Leningrad poems
Luis de Góngora
Alexander Ilichevsky
Imagining the World
Ekaterina Andreeva
Everything and Nothing: Symbolic Figures in the Art of the Second half of the Twentieth century
Jean-Pierre Dupuy
A Short Treatise on the Metaphysics of Tsunamis
Ralph Dutli
Dear Olive: A little cultural history
Ralph Dutli
Song of Honey A Cultural History of the bee
Translated by Grigory Kruzhkov
The sea and the lark. Anthalogy of European and American poets of the XVI-XX centuries.
Simone Weil
Notebooks (February-June 1942)
Józef Maria Ruszar
Sun of the Republic. Roman civilization in the works of Zbigniew Herbert
Claude Lévi-Strauss, Didier Eribon
De près et de loin (Conversations with Claude Lévi-Strauss)
Mladen Dolar
A Voice and Nothing More
Antoine Lilti
Figurespubliques. L’Invention de la célébrité. 1750–1850 (Public Figures. The Invention of Celebrity. 1750-1850)
Aleksandr Chernoglazov
Invitation to the Real: Culture Etudes
Compiled by Anselm Lenz, Alvaro Rodrigo Pigna Auteuil
The end to abstinence! A book about bars, cocktails, self-aggrandizement and the beauty of decadence
Aleksandr Jarin
Aleksey’s Life: Dialogues
Adam Nadasdy
A vastagbőrű mimóza (Thick-Skinned Mimosa)
Patrick Barbier
Naples en fête. Théâtre, musique et castrats au XVIIIe siècle (Feasts in Naples)
François Fédier
Voix de l'ami(Voice of the Friend)
Oleg Jurjew
Inaptitude for Mutilation
Arno Schmidt
Nobodaddy's Children
Saulius Tomas Kondrotas
Žalčio žvilgsnis
Georges Perec
La disparition
Alberto Manguel
Bert Keizer
Het Refrein is Hein (Dancing with Mr D)
Ekaterina Andreeva
Patrick Barbier
Pauline Viardot
Rudi Westendorp
Oud worden zonder het te zijn (Growing older without feeling old)
Jacopo Sannazaro
Irina Aristarkhova
Hospitality of the Matrix
El Kazovskij
Látáscsapda: Beszélgetések El Kazovszkijjal
Alexander Granach
Da geht ein Mensch (There Goes an Actor)
Antoine Volodine
Bardo or not Bardo
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński
Neapolitan Chronicle
Magdalena Grochowska
Jerzy Giedroyc. Do Polski ze snu
Ioan P. Culianu
Eros and Magic in the Renaissance
Botho Strauß
Valerii Dymshits
From Venice
Hernán Rivera Letelier
El arte de la resurrección (The Art of the Resurrection)
Maria Kuvshinova
Aleksandr Mindadze: From Soviet to Post-Post-Soviet
Nathalie Azoulai
Titus n’aimait pas Bérénice
Philip Glass
Words Without Music
Claude Louis-Combet
Blanc noir (Black Space)
Leonidas Donskis
A Small Map of Experience
Sebastian Haffner
Geschichte eines Deutschen (The Story of One German)
Kurt Flasch
Warum ich kein Christ bin (Why I Am Not a Christian)
Jean-Louis Bailly
Vers la poussière (To Ashes)
Leszek Kolakowski
Klucz niebieski albo Opowies´ci budujace z historii s´wietej zebrane ku pouczeniu i przestrodze (The Key to Heaven)
Adam Wodnicki
Tryptyk oksytański (Provencal triptych)
Leonidas Donskis, Tomas Venclova
Optimizmo paieškos pesimizmo amžiuje: Rytų Europos nuojautos ir pranašystės (The Search for Optimism in an Epoch of Pessimism: Eastern European Prophecies and Premonitions)
Ralph Dutli
Soutines letzte Fahrt (Soutine's Last Journey)
Patrick Barbier
La Venise de Vivaldi: Musique et Fêtes Baroques (Vivaldi's Venice)
Tomas Venclova
Encomium insulae: Rinktiniai eilėraščiai. 1965–2015
Giambattista Basile
The Tale of Tales, or Entertainment for Little Ones
Claudio Magris
Czeslaw Milosz
Legendy nowoczesności (Modern Legends, War Essays)
Vsevolod Petrov
Manon Lescaut of Turdey
D. A. Prigov
Soviet texts
Erik Satie
Cahiers d'un mammifère (Mammal's notebook)
Olga Sedakova
A Travel with Eyes Closed. Letters about Rembrandt
Simona Weil
Cahiers 1933-1942
Reinaldo Arenas
El mundo alucinante (Hallucinations)
Nora Bossong
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Limited liability company)
Orbis Pictus
A small collection of the essays on art
Giambattista Basile
The Tale of Tales, or Entertainment for Little Ones
Kirill Kobrin
Scherlock Holmes And The Birth of Modernity
Elena Armand
Crimson Flower Of Blooming Sally
Mariusz Wilk
Dom włóczęgi (House Of Wonderings)
Zbigniew Herbert
Labirynt nad morzem (Labyrinth On The Sea-Shore)
Alexander Piatigorsky
Free Philosopher Piatigorsky
Boris Ivanov
History Of «Club-81»
Kirill Kobrin
Scherlock Holmes And The Birth of Modernity
Brian Boyd
Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery
Alexey Zlobin
Like tree, like fruit
Natalya Gorbanevskaya
Selected Poems
Alexander Skidan
Membra disjecta
Ekaterina Margolis
Traces On Water
Peter Sloterdijk
Die Sonne und der Tod (Sun and Death)
Georges Perec
W ou le souvenir d'enfance (W, or the Memory of Childhood)
Hans Henny Jahnn
Fluß ohne Ufer. Die Niederschrift Des Gustav Anias Horn. II (River Without Banks. Testimony Of Gustav Anias Horn. Book 2)
Erik Satie
Cahiers d'un mammifère (Mammal's notebook)
Tomas Venclova
Pascal Bruckner
Paradox of Love
Czesław Miłosz
Abecadło Milosza (Milosz's Alphabet)
Giambattista Basile
The Tale of Tales, or Entertainment for Little Ones
Georges Bernanos
La Liberte pourquoi faire? (Liberty... What For?)
Oleg Jurjew
Writer As A Fellow In Survival
Hans Henny Jahnn
Flub ohne Ufer. Die Niederschrift des Gustav Anias Horn (River Without Banks. Testimony of Gustav Anias Horn)
Hernan Rivera Letelier
Fatamorgana de amor con banda de musica (Love Fatamorgana With Music Band)
George Perec
Le Condotti?re (The Condottiere)
Pascal Bruckner
La Maison Des Anges (The House Of Angels)
Dmitry Bavilsky
Poste Restante. Conversations With The Present Day Composers
Mariusz Wilk
Lotem g?si (Following The Path Of Geese)
Stanislovas Dobrovolskis, Julius Sasnauskas
Is skvereliu ir kaimeliu teologijos (From The Theology Of Public Gardens And Villages)
Michael Arkadiev
Linguistic Catastrophe
Hans Henny Jahnn
Flub ohne Ufer. Das Holzschiff (River Without Banks. The Ship)
Dick Swaab
Wij Zijn Ons Brein: Van Baarmoeder Tot Alzheimer (We Are Our Brains: From The Womb To Alzheimer's)
Louis-Renе des Forеts
Ostinato. Poеmes de Samuel Wood (Ostinato. Poems Of Samuel Wood)
Zbigniew Herbert
Martwa natura z w?dzid?em (Still Life With Bridle)
Antonia Pozzi
Parole (Words. Poems of 1928-1938)
Andreas Tеnnesmann
Monopoly. Das Spiel, die Stadt und das Gl?ck (Monopoly. Game, City and Luck)
Boris Dubin
Jochen Schimmang
Neue Mitte (New Center)
George Perec
La Vie mode d’emploi (Life A User’s Manual)
Jose Lezama Lima
La Cantidad hechizada (The Enchanted Quantity)
Georges Perec
Especes d’espaces (Species Of Spaces)
Lev Losev
Czeslaw Milosz
Dolina Issy (Issa Valley)
Witold Gombrowicz
Dziennik (The Diary)
Sofia Azarkhi
Stylish People: Introduction To The History Of Modern Artistic Gestures
Yury Karyakin
Not to be late! Conversations & Journalism
Mariusz Wilk
Dom nad Oniego (Cabin On The Onega)
Vadim Rabinovich
Rene Daumal
La Grande beuverie (Serious Drinking)
Alexey Tsvelik
Life in an Impossible World: A Short Course Of Physics For The Lyricists
Lev Rubinshtein
Regular Writing
Vladimir Bibikhin
Diaries of Leo Tolstoy
Thomas Venclova
Vilnius: Miestas Europoje (Vilnius: The City In Europe)